Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Beyond Optimist and Pessimist

Most of my life, I have been considered optimistic, "that always glass half-full person".  That is a compliment, right?  The last five years, with COVID-19 in the midst, I found myself increasingly skeptic, dangerously close to turning...

                                                                                               ... into a pessimist...

I remember a comment to my brother, a handful of years ago, on an annual visit home to California.  We were talking with our grandmother, with my two young adult nephews.  I was listening to my brother's less than optimistic comment and the responses to Mother’s questions of "why" he felt as he did.  The topic has long since been forgotten.  However, frustrated with his disposition, I remember what I said:

"You know… I choose to see the class half-full rather than half-empty.  I admit there are instances where this can be a challenge.  At times, a huge challenge.  Finding myself in those moments, I am thankful I can recognize there is water in the glass and today I will not die of thirst."

I had no idea where that came from but recognize the truth in how I’ve managed.  That was the Holy Spirit speaking through me.  Hopefully suggesting how outlooks impact decisions.  The manner in which any of us approach difficulties matter.  The memory admonished me never to lose sight with how faith in Jesus has taught me to endure.  

This flashback in time, also reminds me of how faithful the Lord is.  He was with me while I persevered through horrible years of testing; guiding, calming, sustaining.  In 2 Corinthians 12:9, God tells Paul, and us, "His grace is sufficient".

Life can be hard, particularly in these current times.  Maintaining optimism can be work, but it uplifts.  Holding on to a pessimistic view strips hope.  God’s grace is sufficient.  It truly is.  So, when trying days come with its problems and troubles, hurts and pain, it's okay to just see there is water in the glass!  Today you will not go thirsty.

Be grateful.  Be hopeful.  Be well.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Satan Hates My Guts

I struggle. 

All the time and over such stupid stuff!  

Now, I know the secret of why the simplest of simple leads to a meltdown. “What just happened?” and “Why does it keep happening?” to “When will it ever stop?".  

Today, I figured it out.

Satan. Hates. My. Guts.

Before fixing my sights on the Nobel Peace Prize, with this revolutionary idea, I want to be certain, so I casually mention to a friend, “Satan hates my guts.”  Without missing a beat, she uncharacteristically did not have a question.  “Pretty much.”  Flat out.  ‘O-kay…  Am I actually on to something and if I am, what do I do with it?’  I laugh, she chuckles and I’m sure the devil, ‘Bwah-hahahaed’ himself to death. 

(If only.)  

I guess I sound resolved to nothing ever changing.  I am, but not for that reason.  I resolve to the fact that everything is going to be all right.  If Satan spends that much time wreaking havoc on my emotions, I’m getting at least one thing right.

Satan cannot be everywhere at the same time. He’s not omnipresent nor is he a mind reader, but he has eyes and ears.  He also has one-third of fallen angels lurking about doing a great deal of hearing and seeing for him.  Not only that, but they also enlist others, enticing people, using them as snares.  I see the traps, I hear “danger Will Rogers, danger”, yet somehow, I manage to fall despite the warnings.  Time and time again.  It is inevitable.

‘Why am I snapping at this young girl? She’s just doing her job.  Yes, yes she is… rudely.’

‘Seriously?  Why does this keep changing? Ugh. It was fine just a second ago!  Everything is selected exactly the same, but now this one part is a different size?’

‘ENOUGH already!  Turn it down!  I can’t be inside; I can’t be outside.  I’m sick wearing a headset as an accessory; even then it doesn’t work, it’s too loud and does nothing about the vibration shaking the house. I have the right to live like I what, too!’

'I do my best to not respond in kind, but better.  Why am I treated this way? Condoning endless bullying is bad enough, but she hit me! It isn’t about my way or having a certain way, but my students.  My protocols are best practices! Communication? This isn’t a communication problem, this is insubordination!’

Irritation. Tears of frustration. Anguishing meltdowns.  There is one detail I neglect to consider.  One-third is a portion of one whole.  Where in the world are the other two-thirds?  “Ding-ding-ding”. The other two thirds are angels who remain faithful to the One True God , and they are outnumbering all those demons, fighting against wickedness.  It’s those little inconspicuous annoyances that start me down the path where I slip and fall.  Where I sin...

Here's the key:  Satan can hear, right?  Well, I need to stop giving him ammunition.

His following, whether worldly or otherworldly, use what comes out of my mouth to lay snares!  Upset, angry or whatever, I'm learning to keep it in my thought bubble between me and the Lord.  Satan can’t hear that!  I make sure Satan hears what he dreads the most… praise.  Pure, unadulterated praise of who God is. 

He can also see. I love probability.  I think he does, too; but he doesn’t get it.  He's one hundred percent certain, with a two-sided coin, I’ll act impulsively or worse, irrationally.  Ah, that's 50 percent, but he's going to do what he does best.  Cheat.  He orchestrates.  He’s the Master of Deception and can distract like nobody’s business and despite best intentions, I may hand him a double barrel gun for all that ammo.  

Hearing and seeing go hand in hand.

‘She’ll slip with the tongue, she’s always calling people what they are, idiots… If she’d just kick that ridiculous habit of asking Him to forgive.  Another day, I need to focus, make sure all my minions are in a row.  All my “minions” in a row, heh-heh-heh, I crack myself up. Where’s that coin?  She’s going to screw up.  I know this one, been messing with her most her pathetic life.  As a matter of fact, she's so messed up she can't tell the difference between reality and imaginary!  She cannot keep living this way, I’ve heard her say it myself.  You guys just stick to the plan, she’s bound to flip out.’ 

I forget Satan isn't in control, there is nothing he can do without God’s permission. Nothing.  People say, "The Lord doesn't give us anything we can't handle".  If that is true, then okay, I'll get through this.   He may know my weaknesses, but he doesn't know my heart.  I need to remember, I know all about him, too. 

1 Peter 5:8 both warns and encourages me to ... "be watchful" because my "adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour" and to "resist him".

I run to God, in tearful uncontrollable venting, to the point of being inconsolable. I don't see past the moment, but He's been beyond it. He gets I believe I fail serving Him well because I'm in a meltdown.  Jesus is omnipresent, hearing and seeing it all. He hears me crying out to Him; he sees me running towards Him. Satan is a liar. Jesus knows my heart. That fact thrusts everything that tears me away from biblical truths, back onto Satan, right where it belongs. 

When we fail to fall, demons coil and Satan blows a casket. 

And there we h...

Ow!  For all that's good and holy, did he just pinch me?


I told you.

Satan hates my guts.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

An Unfit Christian?

While checking my email I recently came across an article that led me to the website, "The Unfit Christian". You know how these things happen, an attention grabbing, hyped title on the page where you login... my page rhymes with snail mail. What I read was a prime example of what spiritual deception has evolved to in the 21st century. At second glance, I did read the entire article because I wanted a clear understanding, as reading it partially or skimming can leave you with an inaccurate impression and opinion that differs from the author's intention.

I am beyond appalled at how "in the name of Jesus" complaints (call it what you may, but it's complaining about true biblical faith and relationship with God) are being sinfully altered! People hear "faith-based", which may no longer imply belief in Christ and assume it is Christian. I myself had to learn to be leery because something is labeled "faith-based".  Case in point to why I avoid using the term "Christian".

My response is the gospel, so there is no confusion:

I believe the Word of God to be Truth and am a follower of Jesus, once separated from the One True God. Through the sacrificial death and resurrection of His only Son Jesus I walk in fellowship, a personal and corporate relationship between Him and I and I with other believers in Christ. I recognize, as a sinner, my need for a Savior and believe through my confession of faith, receive God's gift of grace and mercy. In the name of Jesus Christ, my Savior, I am forgiven and reconciled to God.

Now, there are various kinds of faith. Faith in others, country, conspiracy theory, self, doctrine; the list is endless and we all, in Christ or not, may find ourselves in any given category at one time or another. No one is infallible! However, there is only one saving faith that is received through Christ.  My salvation has nothing to do with my physical appearance, culture or behavior. Salvation is based on Christ and Christ alone... and by the power of the Holy Spirit, I believe all that God says is true.

 Thwarting the Word of God, deceiving millions on the premise of not having things their way, not being able to live as they deem right, is sin. Ultimate biblical rebellion against God's authority rejects Jesus as Lord and the only way to God. Those who detour others and believe such a lie will be held accountable. The ideology of an "unfit Christian", in this context, is counterfeit as are all vain imaginations found on Satan's playground of blasphemy. This is an example of the type of deception that has a distracting grip on society. The gospel of Jesus Christ is inclusive.  It is freely given to all who receive.  Belief in Christ excludes secular lifestyles. I implore anyone justifying living secular lifestyles, as a Christian, to count the cost of reinventing Christianity.  Unfit Christian implies the lifestyle goes against the word of God.  You cannot be an unfit Christian and Christian.  Nor can anyone accuse God of being exclusive! 

The decision to follow Him is inclusive to all seeking Jesus as Lord and Savior, but it is not freely given in order to justify an ungodly life to a "form of faith" that keeps you "spiritually" comfortable! Receiving Jesus into your life, changes you. Your will becomes His and most importantly a desire to live as He says matters more than anything else the world has to offer. You either believe only faith in God through the sacrifice and resurrection of His Son Jesus or you believe the devil, following his worldly view.

To say, for instance, God hates LGBTQ, etc. is not what scripture states.  God loves His creation of people, He called it "Good".   He does not send anyone to hell.  It is ludicrous to reason that God creates and then condemns His creation!  We are given free will, the ability to determine the direction of our lives.  God abhors sin, not the person. It is not His desire for anyone to be separated from Him.  Faith in Christ is based on sacrificial love, not fear.  I challenge that if someone is "tired" of fear-based faith, they should evaluate their understanding of the gospel.  The message is about reconciliation, not damnation.

Worship Leader, songwriter Ron Kenoly states, "There is no militarized zone. You're either on the Lord's side or the devil's.


Let us consider what we hear, what we read, what we see and measure it biblically, according to the word of God. People will give everything a chance. Almost. I challenge... try Jesus. Look for truth in His word, correlate it to history. We believe historical events, right? We research an abundance of topics. Why leave the bible, God's true word, closed and unexplored? Exhausted by a constant unsolicited comment of having problems with the bible, I told an acquaintance, "When I have a problem with something, I do something about it, and I recognize I cannot have a problem with anything I've never taken the time to learn of!"

Believing God is a heart problem, for all of us.

Do we wrestle under conviction? Perhaps. I suggest... probably.

 Biblical events are real, it all happened and continually coincides along history. Seek, find and make a well researched choice. Deuteronomy, 30: 11-20 shares with us the way of choosing... believe God's ways, speak of God's ways, live according to God's ways.

Chose Life.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

A Christmas Letter


The Merriest Christmas on this day of celebration when the Word of God became flesh to dwell amongst us!  Jesus Christ; Messiah, Savior, our Redeemer.

This year started off with two snow days after a two-day return from a too short Christmas break.  We also end the year with an early snow from December 9th!  It snowed all day with close to 4" of soft snow by early evening.

I enrolled in an 11-week course, sponsored by our benefits office, that focused on changing attitudes about weight management.  The instructor was amazing; and, I learned a great deal about my rollercoaster habits regarding food.  At the end of the course I’d developed better balance through specific exercise, decreased instances of vertigo episodes and lost nine pounds.  Feeling challenged to continue in my newly acquired practices….wait for it…I joined Planet Fitness.  My wellbeing improves; my blood sugars are no longer on the borderline and the free access to hydromassage is highly motivating.  I also took two courses in order to be certified in the areas of Mental Health First Aide for adolescents and adults.  This has been a valuable skill to have as the Lord as guided me to come along side medical and emergency workers.  I’ve also been more available to assists families in the community and a couple of my middle school students.  To Him be all glory!

I enjoy senior living at our local iHop for Wednesday Senior Night, 50% off.   The year has also been filled with numerous trips to Delaware to visit dear friends, the Capelli’s.  We enjoy antiquing, fresh ice cream and pick-your-own fruit.  This year it was cherries which we made delicious turnovers with, yum!    I’ve been blessed in many opportunities of fellowship, breaking bread with families around their tables and mine. On one occasion I hosted an “ice cream bar” at one family’s home where the kids and I made our own ice cream bars with various coating and toppings. Another visit at my home with another family with two girls, we had a farmer’s luncheon, sampling and picking mints for our drinks and eating fresh produce from my garden and theirs. My washer broke so occasionally I’ll sponsor pizza laundry night at their home.  I bring pizza and dirty clothes….it works out to be a win-win all way around!  This year ended with a celebration at my home with a close family of six.  The kids loved the table setting of tea and treats just for their dolls.  A wonderful time was had by all! 


There have been local hiking adventures with another couple I am close to and several on my own at St. Mary’s River State Park.  It is a rugged natural trail in a quiet serene setting.   I’ve also revisited Calvert Cliffs State Park, hiking to the Chesapeake Bay.  On one visit I observed many turtles basking on logs and swimming in the marshes.  How spectacular the beauty of God’s creation! 

This year I was a vendor in several arts and craft shows, for my online shop with Etsy.  Two shows I’ve picked up are with the same organization in Ocean City. I’ve enjoyed two hotel stays, off season, with an ocean view.  I did it once and just cannot go back to anything less!  Hearing nothing but the waves crashing on the ocean during the night is sheer relaxation at its best!  This year I remained to Easter Sunday and joined my first multi-church led sunrise service, something I always wanted to do.  It was awesome to be rejoicing in His resurrection while a majestic sunrise burst through the clouds.  I returned again in October for another show.

I continue to support The Agape Club ministry of Community with a Cause Church.  I provide transportation for one woman my age and another family’s grandmother and daughter.  The church, designed for people with disabilities and their families/friends, has members of all ages, child to senior citizen age.  Wonderful times are had by all as we shared a meal, worship in song, complete an activity, pray and hear a bible message.  This year members participated in Operation Christmas Child (OCC) packing shoeboxes as a church.  I returned to working with OCC in the community.  I worked during National Drop-Off Week, checking in boxes, praying over boxes with those delivering, configuring how to pack non-shoebox sizes 15+ to a box!  I really enjoyed working with the team during that week.  One 20 year old member of Community with a Cause Church (who is also a former student of mine) and her teen brother joined me this year at the Processing Center, where we inspected, prayed for recipients and prepared for shipping, hundreds of shoebox gifts.  I was so proud of my youthful friends.  We had a really great experience together and met up with another family that unknowingly were both were friends with. Being assigned to the same station to work to work together was an additional blessing!

I reclaimed my garden, restoring it and reconfiguring it as friend’s came to tear down the delipidated shed.  Enlarging one area I was able to plant more that produced my first crop of watermelon from seeds.  Unfortunately, we had such a wet season many rotted.  I did enjoy one, it was very sweet!  

I was surprised by a gift from a couple that blessed me immensely.  The bird feeder I’d been wanting from a local bird store!  I was having horrible squirrel problems with the reduction of woods behind me, my old feeder was not tall enough and needed to be moved.  This feeder, with a baffle, is amazing.  They even came and (properly) installed it for me.  In the 14 years I’ve lived here, I’ve sighted 29 different birds.  With this feeder installed I can use specific feed and enjoy regular sightings of woodpeckers.

               Blue Jays seem content!

I created a fairy garden in one bed, that was fun.  

This year celebrated many high school graduations and a couple of college accomplishments!  I am so proud of all my young friends, all grown up!  For one, a thespian, I especially enjoyed attending her high school drama productions.  June held a goodbye to a loved family relocating back home and hello to another, just as loved who moved a couple years back, here visiting.  As we keep in touch, texts and email are the times when I realize the good parts of technology. 😉

October was a time of change for me, unexpectant change.  On the evening of October 29, I let Gideon go.  He’d been declining for a couple of months and eventually stopped eating.  Up to the last weeks, he remained active and engaging and it was a very sweet time with him.  It was discovered through an x-ray, his poor body was full of cancer.  The vet, so compassionate, agreed that he was dying and didn’t seen to be in pain.  That process was much more heart wrenching than I imagined it would be.  Tears well up, as I recall and I’m often sitting in my car waiting for him to appear on the windowsill or wrestling with bags through the door before he gets out.  I’ve decorated for Christmas and am sitting on a clean uncovered sofa.  It is bittersweet, thinking of all I can do, but sad because of why.  I miss Gideon's presence in the house, he has been here with me, since six months in of purchasing, all 5.5 pounds of him.  I now live “alone”.  He was a brute with the biting, but the best companion.
Gideon     6/6/05-10/29/18

I received my 10-year pen from St. Mary’s County Public Schools, all but the initial 4 months of those years at Spring Ridge Middle.  However, the other unexpectant change in October is….I am no in a middle school.  God saw fit to move me out.  I was presented with an opportunity to return to early childhood in an elementary school, northern county.  I am working in a building with infants/toddler department, 3-year old’s, Pre-K and K.  My class is a developmental K class with the goal to increase self-regulating and communication, so children enrolled can enter general education in their home schools, for another K year or 1st grade.  Remaining in a self-contained Life Skills is a last resort.  Since I’ve been there, I’ve worked on a plan to provide inclusion experiences for all 7 students, beginning January 2, upon our return.  Although my workload has decreased significantly, and I am no longer bullied by students or adults, the transition has been extremely difficult, for several reasons, including student attacks (due to regulation and child’s height for such a young age; however, I have him on a token economy protocol and reducing aggressive engaging).  I have a daunting task before me and know I am there for a purpose serving my Lord. I’m giving it time and trusting God.  His plans are always perfect and right.

During this trying transition, driving to work on morning, I just began to laugh.  I was thinking on how wonderful it is to be reconciled back to God because I believe Him.  I believe Jesus is His Son.  I believe that Jesus sacrificed His life, died, was buried.  I believe that through the power of God Almighty, Jesus rose from the dead conquering death, sin on all creation.  I believe He is Lord and through the working power of His Holy Spirit, dwells within me.  I was returning to work after a previously horrible day realizing why “weeping may endure for the night, but joy comes in the morning” (Psalm 30:5).  When I wake up, I never have to make decisions on how I’m going to manage, the direction or attitude I take.  I never have to resolve to a mindset.  I just know, no matter how I might feel, I am well.  I. Am. Well.  Praise God, no matter what I can just be well, because of God, through His Son Jesus!  This is the secret to rejoicing in all things, it doesn’t matter what the situation or circumstance, when you are in the arms of God by faith through Jesus Christ, you are secure, safe, protected and provided for!  How amazing is that?  Jesus has paid the price, I am free to serve only my God.  Decision on how to manage has already been made….I simply surrender and keep my faith in Him.  Isaiah 61 says that God gives us a garment of praise instead of a faint spirit.  Be glad, this Christmas Day.  Great tidings of joy continue to ring out to the whole Earth: Jesus has come to save us all, to the glory of God, Father of all.  

Be well, everyone.  Blessings in the new year.  Blessings of no matter what comes your way, know the Lord of all creation is with you, never forsaking, ever present.  

All my love the Christmas Day.....


            Please PRAY for those who are truly alone this season, that the Lord bring others into their lives to ease the loneliness.  Pray for those who are homeless and on the streets as runaways.  Pray for those addicted and lost in the deceptions of this world.  Pray the convicting work of the Holy Spirit so they can find strength and courage in order to make their way to a Heavenly Father, the healing He has for them and homes that miss them.  Jesus promised to intercede when the devil comes to devour, deceive and destroy.  Join Him by praying without ceasing for the lost and the hurting. 

            Pray that the hearts of people turn towards Christ and be guided by the Holy Spirit.  The world has become more uncertain than ever.  Matthew 24:6 repeats the words of Christ that tells us in the end times we will hear talk of war and rumors of war.  He goes on to say that we are not to be troubled because these things must come to pass.  People go about their daily lives without assurance, searching for comfort in a world that cannot possibly provide it.  We live in a country where churches sit on every corner.  Lexington Park alone has nearly two dozen churches.  Bibles are sold openly and given freely.  We can pray in public establishments and speak the name of Jesus without fear of persecution.  Let us not take that for granted but use such liberty to live out the gospel to those around us.  Opportunity to know Christ and His word is everywhere.   Opportunity to grow deeper in faith is everywhere. 

            For those in Christ, our confidence comes from knowing God’s redemption plan restores us back to Him.  It is there we find ultimate peace in knowing Jesus brings salvation to all who will receive.   Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life.  Only He can reconcile our hearts back to God.  Seek the Way.  Learn of Truth.  Choose Life.   Please PRAY that people develop a hunger and thirst to know more of Jesus.  Pray hearts open to hear the Good News of God's plan to reconcile all creation back to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.  Pray for spiritual growth with the people of America, that they embrace their faith in Jesus, fully trusting in Him.  Pray that those in Christ boldly live out their faith for others to see, a living witness to God’s grace and mercy.  May we all not just believe in Jesus; but, believe Him, take Him at His Word, see Him as The Word.

            Please CONSIDER giving, through donations or volunteer service locally within your own community, fulfilling the Great Commission through service to the poor and neglected people of our country and other regions worldwide.  

            RECEIVE the Lord's eternal blessing for your partnership in whichever manner He guides you in. 

            Please SHARE this blog with anyone you know who is interested in supporting and/or partnering in mission’s work, locally or globally. 


Please pray for families whom are grieving losses during this time.  While we know those in Christ are healed in the peaceful presence of our King, it deeply hurts.  Pray that all cling to Christ as God’s infinite grace become sufficient. 

Please keep in prayer families that are caring for spouses, parents and children with disabilities.  Consider offering respite care or inquiring to any needs they may have themselves.

Pray for others who are not well, that God bring healing to body, souls and minds.

Pray for those who have not reconciled to God, that they receive and believe the Truth of God’s plan for redemption through His Son Jesus, this side of Heaven. 

Pray for hearts to be changed, all our hearts to be daily changed, as we grow in the knowledge of Who He is.

Friday, June 23, 2017

Finding Peace

Come What May

This afternoon God used a friend to confirm a thought I had been contemplating on my drive home from Virginia.   When I arrived home, I saw her text, a quote of Thomas More, literally sent during the time I’d been wondering over the exact topic:


In the car, I had been thinking of something I blurted out several months ago, in a time of anguish I ranted, “Everything in my adult life has been by default!  I’ve lived where I’ve lived, I live where I live because I had to move elsewhere due to changes in other people's lives and this was all I could afford.  All my transfers were placed by the director.  How do I end up here, like this, time and time again?  When do I get to decide, have a say, choose?”  I ended that plea where it always ends, questioning when I do get to live in peace. 

In the car, I began to think on many instances in God’s Word that tell us God has a plan, God knew each of our days before we lived the first, and that in this world we will have suffering because of His Son, Jesus.  My curiosity led me to wonder what commonality existed in those Truths.

In our humanity, we follow the Israelites inability to look beyond the physical world.  We forget the spiritual side of our lives!   The peace I want immediately would require my neighbors to be respectful and turn everything down and keep it down, all the time, while the other neighbors manage their two pit bull dogs between the hours of 2 AM-5 AM and any other time I wish to enjoy my garden, I would not be bullied and battered at work, my yard would not be used as an ashtray….the list goes on.  These are very concerning issues; but, if all those things happened would it ensure I have peace in the sense I am seeking?  Not a chance.  I am not called nor created to live in isolation, in a self-made bubble.  Speaking in opposition of my neighbors, I state how I would love to live in the manner I wish.  I believe I can’t because I’m being deprived of “peace”.  In those moments, a concept I know, became real.  I have something far more valuable than lack of noise or removal of threats and aggression.  I have the Prince of Peace as my Savior, an assurance that no matter what comes my way, all is well because in God’s will there is safety in knowing even in the worst of times, as Thomas More claims, it 'will be the best' because what God orchestrates cannot return void, will not harm and is always perfect.

I’ve recently ended the most emotionally challenging school year of my career. I put a plan in place to “retire” from my field.  I achieved a duel certification status, I submitted a transfer request, I interviewed; however, I placed the decision in God’s will.  I have done all I can do by making myself available to walk through an open door, trusting Him with the outcome.  He will move me or He will continue to sustain me where I am.  Two weeks into summer, two days before my pilgrimage, I recognize I will most likely return to the same position, same circumstances, with additional challenges.  Frightening as that is, I have an explainable calm about that prospect.  I explain it as God.  It is simply God.  He may not rescue; but, He is always at work.  He will guide, He will sustain.  He will. 

Somewhere along the way I realized when the time comes, I’m going to trust and obey God, so I might as well stop kicking and screaming as I go with His plan!  It is my hope, no matter where He places me next year, as I pursue Him with a more willing heart, I will feel less depleted and more able to praise Him in all things for I’ve come to know Paul’s charge to believers in “rejoicing in all things” for I have seen in my own life just how sufficient God’s grace really is.  It is enough, it is enough. 

I have a peace in knowing that no matter how bad it has become or how worse it may get, I can never ever fall from my Father God’s hand.  I’ve discovered, through experience, there is a vast difference between falling in His hand and falling out of His hand.  I will rejoice in all things, the good and the bad, the fair and the unfair because in understanding my Lord’s plan is not to make it easy for me, it is to continually change my heart towards Him, strengthen my joy, teach me to find calm in storms, and instill an untouchable hope within my heart.  I do not enjoy the suffering, but I rejoice in all these things because it is Him I love and my desire to bring glory and honor to His great name is greater than my wanting some quiet this side of Heaven.  Besides, that mansion He says He is preparing?  There is no need for ear plugs or sound proofing.  That, I can hold out for!  Until then, I “get to live” in an overwhelming peace that overcomes anything this world can dish out, grateful for His many provisions.  What kind of peace are you searching for?  Let us find the One and only lasting Peace that calms and sustains us through the gracious love of Jesus Christ which glorifies and honors our Heavenly Father!


             Please PRAY for others who are struggling with emotional difficulties that impede upon an ability to function day to day.  We are living in a careless society and need to remember walk with pleasantness and favor for people we interact with day to day.  So many people are hurting on the inside barely going through the motions in daily living.  If you are hurting, let a trusted someone know!  If someone comes to you, lend a reflective ear, pray and support him or her.  Let us not cease from praying for one another (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).  Pray the work of the Holy Spirit for strength and courage to be steadfast in the faith.  Jesus promised to intercede when the devil comes to devour, deceive and destroy.  Join Him by praying without ceasing for one another.  Jesus Christ is the only Way to finding peace in all situations we will find our lives in.  That is something to rejoice in!

            Pray that the hearts of people turn towards Christ and be guided by the Holy Spirit.  The world has become more uncertain than ever.  Matthew 24:6 repeats the words of Christ that tells us in the end times we will hear talk of war and rumors of war.  He goes on to say that we are not to be troubled because these things must come to pass.  People go about their daily lives without assurance, searching for comfort in a world that cannot possibly provide it.  We live in a country where churches sit on every corner.  Lexington Park alone has nearly two dozen churches.  Bibles are sold openly and given freely.  We can pray in public establishments and speak the name of Jesus without fear of persecution.  Let us not take that for granted but use such liberty to live out the gospel to those around us.  Opportunity to know Christ and His word is everywhere.   Opportunity to grow deeper in faith is everywhere. 

            For those in Christ, our confidence comes from knowing God’s redemption plan restores us back to Him.  It is there we find ultimate peace in knowing Jesus brings salvation to all who will receive.   Jesus is the Way, the Truth and Life.  Only He can reconcile our hearts back to God.  Seek the Way.  Learn of Truth.  Choose Life.   Please PRAY that people develop a hunger and thirst to know more of Jesus.  Pray hearts open to hear the Good News of God's plan to reconcile all creation back to Him through His Son Jesus Christ.  Pray for spiritual growth with the people of America, that they embrace their faith in Jesus, fully trusting in Him.  Pray that those in Christ boldly live out their faith for others to see, a living witness to God’s grace and mercy.  May we all not just believe in Jesus, but believe Him.

            Please CONSIDER giving, through donations or volunteer service locally within your own community, fulfilling the Great Commission through service to the poor and neglected people of our country and other regions worldwide.   One of the most rewarding ways to served God is through service to people He loves.  When we get our eyes off ourselves, we are able to see His handiwork all around us and within our own lives.

            RECEIVE the Lord's eternal blessing for your partnership in whichever manner He guides you in. 

            Please SHARE this blog with anyone you know who is interested in supporting and/or partnering in mission’s work, locally or globally. 

Pray for individual people.  People you know, people you are acquainted with, people you pass by everyday, people you've never see before. 
Pray for society.  Your neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, teams, clubs, businesses within your community.  Just think, if everyone reading this prays, local populations in nine states and three countries would receive prayer individuals and communities! 
Pray that we would reach out beyond our selves to reach into the hearts of hurting people around us, building relationships that live out the gospel of Jesus Christ.